Os nomes dos Cientistas da Informática
Lista dos grandes nomes da Informática, pessoas que mudaram o rumo da História e contribuíram muito para a evolução da Informatica.
invented p2p with Napster
Shawn Fanning (1980)
co-founded the Google internet search engine
Larry Page (1973),
Sergey Brin (1973)
is a Mexican free software programmer, best known for starting the GNOME and Mono projects
Miguel de Icaza (1972)
is best known as a cofounder of Netscape Communications Corporation and co-author of Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser
Marc Andreessen (1971)
is a Finnish software engineer best known for initiating the development of the Linux kernel
Linus Torvalds (1969)
is the creator of the PHP programming language
Rasmus Lerdorf (1968)
is a computer programmer heavily involved in the development of the Linux kernel since its early days
Alan Cox (1968)
is best known for proposing the concept of Cascading Style Sheets
Håkon Wium Lie (1965)
is a controversial computer hacker in the United States
Kevin Mitnick (1963)
Steve Mann (1962)
was named as one of the three most influential people in the software industry by Software Development Magazine in 1998, along with Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds
Steve McConnell (1962)
was the program manager for Windows 1.0 and 2.0
Gabe Newell (1962)
Michael Hawley (1961)
Brendan Eich (1961)
Jaron Lanier (1960)
formerly Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft, is co-founder of Intellectual Ventures
Nathan Myhrvold (1960)
is best known as the author of the Python programming language
is sometimes called “the father of Visual Basic”
Eric S. Raymond (1957)
is the original author of the popular MS-DOS operating system
Tim Paterson (1956)
is an American inventor, entrepreneur, and author. He co-founded Thinking Machines Corporation, a company that developed the Connection Machine, a parallel supercomputer designed by Hillis at MI
Danny Hillis (1956)
is a major contributor to the XML and Atom web standards, and an entrepreneur
Tim Bray (1955)
Dave Winer (1955)
is the co-founder and CEO of Apple
Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
is best known as the father of the Java programming language
James Gosling (1955)
is best known for developing the Unified Modeling Language with Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh
Grady Booch (1955)
invented the World Wide Web and HTML
Tim Berners-Lee (1955)
is the Chairman of Microsoft
Bill Gates (1955)
created the Perl programming language
Larry Wall (1954)
is the founder of O’Reilly Media
Tim O’Reilly (1954)
is the Chairman of Sun Microsystems
Scott McNealy (1954)
co-founded Sun Microsystems
Bill Joy (1954)
Sid Meier (1954)
pioneer of quantum computing
David Deutsch (1953)
was a key member of the original Apple Macintosh development team during the 1980s
Andy Hertzfeld (1953)
formed Microsoft with Bill Gates
Paul Allen (1953)
launched the GNU Project to create a free Unix-like operating system
Richard Stallman (1953)
was one of the inventors of the RSA algorithm
Adi Shamir (1952)
is the founder of Borland, a producer of software development tools
Philippe Kahn (1952)
is the co-creator, with Bob Frankston, of the VisiCalc spreadsheet program
Dan Bricklin (1951)
designed and implemented HyperCard, the first popular hypermedia system
Bill Atkinson (1951)
developed the C++ programming language
Bjarne Stroustrup (1950)
is the founder of Lotus Development Corporation and the designer of Lotus 1-2-3, the “killer application” often credited with making the personal computer ubiquitous in the business world in the 1980s
Mitch Kapor (1950)
developed the Eiffel programming language
Bertrand Meyer (1950)
is the CEO of Cycorp, Inc. of Austin, Texas, and has been a prominent researcher in artificial intelligence, especially machine learning (with his AM and Eurisko programs), knowledge representation, blackboard systems, and “ontological engineering” (with his Cyc program at MCC and at Cycorp)
Doug Lenat (1950)
co-founded Apple Computer, with Steve Jobs in 1976 and created the Apple I and Apple II computers in the mid-1970s
Steve Wozniak (1950)
is the co-creator with Dan Bricklin of the VisiCalc spreadsheet program and the co-founder of Software Arts, the company that developed it
Bob Frankston (1949)
invented the wiki
Ward Cunningham (1949)
was one of the twelve engineers who worked on the original IBM PC, developing the computer’s ROM BIOS code
David Bradley (1949)
is well known for his work in randomness in computing, algorithmic complexity and intractability, foundations of mathematics and computer science, algorithmic probability, theory of computation, and information theory
Leonid Levin (1948)
as head of Microsoft’s application software group, oversaw the creation of Microsoft’s flagship office applications
Charles Simonyi (1948)
is the discoverer of several important graph algorithms, including Tarjan’s off-line least common ancestors algorithm, and co-inventor of both splay trees and Fibonacci heaps
Robert Tarjan (1948)
is the creator of the Tcl scripting language and is well known for his work in distributed operating systems, high-performance file systems, and user interfaces
is most celebrated for his work on public-key encryption with Len Adleman and Adi Shamir, specifically the RSA algorithm
Ronald Rivest (1947)
Ben Shneiderman (1947)
wrote the database program dBASE II
Wayne Ratliff (1946)
received the Turing Award, in recognition of his fundamental contributions to the theory of computation, including the complexity-based theory of pseudorandom number generation, cryptography, and communication complexity
Andrew Yao (1946)
Robert Metcalfe (1946)
Whitfield Diffie (1944)
is the co-founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation
Larry Ellison (1944)
is best known as the author of Minix, a free Unix-like operating system for teaching purposes, and for his computer science textbooks, regarded as standard texts in the field
Andy Tanenbaum (1944)
has contributed to the building of several major database and transaction processing systems, including the groundbreaking System R while at IBM, Terraserver, and Skyserver for Microsoft Among his more well known achievements are granular database locking, two-tier transaction commit semantics, and the data cube operator for data warehousing applications
Jim Gray (1944-2007)
was one of the founding members of Xerox PARC in 1970, where he worked in the Computer Science Laboratory (CSL). His now-famous vision of a personal computer was captured in the 1972 memo entitled “Why Alto?”. In 1973, the Xerox Alto, with its three-button mouse and full-page-sized monitor was born, and is now considered to be the first actual personal computer
Butler Lampson (1943)
produced a popular tool to retrieve erased data from DOS disks, which was followed by several other tools which were collectively known as the Norton Utilities
Peter Norton (1943)
is commonly referred to as one of the “founding fathers of the Internet” for his key technical and managerial role, together with Bob Kahn, in the creation of the Internet and the TCP/IP protocols which it uses
Vint Cerf (1943)
is an American pioneer of computer science notable for his work with the B programming language and his shepherding the UNIX and Plan 9 from Bell Labs operating systems
Ken Thompson (1943)
Michael Stonebraker (1943)
founded Atari
Nolan Bushnell (1943)
Nicholas Negroponte (1943)
was an American human-computer interface expert best-known for starting the Macintosh project for Apple Computer in the late 1970s
Jef Raskin (1943-2005)
is principally known for being the Editor of the Request for Comment document series, and for serving as the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority until his death
Jon Postel (1943-1998)
Edward Tufte (1942)
is a noted software engineer, designer and developer of several operating systems including the RSX-11, VMS and VAXELN systems of Digital Equipment Corporation and Windows NT from Microsoft
Dave Cutler (1942)
was the founder and president of Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) which built the Altair 8800, one of the very first hobbyist personal computers
Ed Roberts (1942)
Brian Kernighan (1942)
created the CP/M operating system and founded Digital Research, Inc.
Gary Kildall (1942-1994)
his research contributions have laid the foundations of the theory of distributed systems
Leslie Lamport (1941)
received a patent for the first computer microprocessor
Federico Faggin (1941)
Alfred Aho (1941)
received the Turing Award in 1996 for seminal work introducing temporal logic into computing science and for outstanding contributions to program and systems verification
Amir Pnueli (1941)
is an American computer scientist notable for his influence on ALTRAN, B, BCPL, C, Multics, and Unix
Dennis Ritchie (1941-2011)
David Parnas (1941)
Ray Tomlinson (1941)
Clive Sinclair (1940)
is best-known for his development of the first multiple-protocol router software during his 20 year tenure at Stanford University’s Knowledge Systems Laboratory
William Yeager (1940)
is best known as the co-founder with Charles Geschke of Adobe Systems Inc., the graphics and publishing software company
John Warnock (1940)
is known for his early work on object-oriented programming and user interface design
Alan Kay (1940)
became the first woman in the United States to be awarded a PhD in Computer Science, in 1968 from Stanford University. She has led many significant projects, including the design and implementation of CLU, the first programming language to support data abstraction; Argus, the first high-level language to support implementation of distributed programs; and Thor, an object-oriented database system. With Jeannette Wing, she developed a particular definition of subtyping, commonly known as the Liskov substitution principle
Barbara Liskov (1939)
is famous for inventing two data sorting structures: the B-tree with Edward M. McCreight, and later the UB-tree with Volker Markl
Rudolf Bayer (1939)
Ivar Jacobson (1939)
received the Turing Award “for fundamental achievements in the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures”
John Hopcroft (1939)
is the author of the seminal multi-volume work The Art of Computer Programming
Donald Knuth (1938)
Per Brinch Hansen (1938)
Stewart Brand (1938)
received the Turing Award in 1988 for the invention of Sketchpad, an early predecessor to the graphical user interface that became ubiquitous in personal computers
Ivan Sutherland (1938)
invented the TCP protocol, and along with Vinton G. Cerf created the IP protocol, the technologies used to transmit information on the Internet
Bob Kahn (1938)
is a world-renowned researcher in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Human-Computer Interaction
Raj Reddy (1937)
coined the term “hypertext” in 1963 and published it in 1965. He also is credited with first use of the words hypermedia, transclusion, virtuality, intertwingularity and teledildonics
Ted Nelson (1937)
led development of the original IBM Personal Computer (PC), and thus is known as “father of the IBM PC”
Don Estridge (1937-1985)
his contributions include the design of Floyd’s algorithm, which efficiently finds all shortest paths in a graph, and work on parsing. In one isolated paper he introduced the important concept of error diffusion for rendering images, also called Floyd-Steinberg dithering (though he distinguished dithering from diffusion)
Robert Floyd (1936-2001)
is often called the “Father of expert systems”
Edward Feigenbaum (1936)
with Juris Hartmanis, received the 1993 ACM Turing Award “in recognition of their seminal paper which established the foundations for the field of computational complexity theory”
Richard Stearns (1936)
is a computer scientist and computational theorist, notable for research in the theory of algorithms, for which he received a Turing Award in 1985
Richard Karp (1935)
is a leading computer engineer and manager, an early employee of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) who designed several of their PDP machines and later rose to Vice President of Engineering and oversaw the development of the VAX
Gordon Bell (1934)
invented liquid crystal display or LCD
James Fergason (1934)
was the chief designer of the programming languages Euler, Algol W, Pascal, Modula, Modula-2, and Oberon
Niklaus Wirth (1934)
developed LCF, one of the first tools for automated theorem proving. The language he developed for LCF, ML, was the first language with polymorphic type inference and type-safe exception handling. In a very different area, Milner also developed a theoretical framework for analyzing concurrent systems, the Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS), and its successor, the pi-calculus
Robin Milner (1934)
is probably best known for the development of Quicksort, the world’s most widely used sorting algorithm. He also developed Hoare logic, and the formal language Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) used to specify the interactions of concurrent processes (including the Dining philosophers problem) and the inspiration for the Occam programming language
Tony Hoare (1934)
was the primary architect behind the IEEE 754 standard for floating-point computation (and its radix-independent follow-on, IEEE 854) and developed the Kahan summation algorithm, an important algorithm for minimizing error introduced when adding a sequence of finite precision floating point numbers
William Kahan (1933)
his work on automata theory earned him the Turing Award in 1976, while his collaborative work with Christopher Strachey in the 1970s laid the foundations of modern approaches to the semantics of programming languages
Dana Scott (1932)
her achievements include seminal work in compilers, code optimization, and parallelization
Fran Allen (1932)
Jay Miner (1932-1994)
invented the compact disc
James Russell (1931)
received the Turing award with Dana Scott for their joint paper “Finite Automata and Their Decision Problem,” which introduced the idea of nondeterministic machines
Michael Rabin (1931)
is a software engineer and computer scientist, best-known for managing the development of OS/360, then later writing candidly about the process in his seminal book The Mythical Man-Month
Fred Brooks (1931)
is considered to be one of the fathers of Simula and object-oriented programming along with Kristen Nygaard
Ole-Johan Dahl (1931-2002)
among his contributions to computer science is the shortest path-algorithm, also known as Dijkstra’s algorithm, the THE multiprogramming system, and the semaphore construct, for coordinating multiple processors and programs
Edsger Dijkstra (1930-2002)
is the co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of Intel Corporation and the author of Moore’s law
Gordon Moore (1929)
with Richard E. Stearns, received the 1993 Turing Award “in recognition of their seminal paper which established the foundations for the field of computational complexity theory”
Juris Hartmanis (1928)
co-developed the BASIC programming language in 1963/64, together with John George Kemeny
Thomas Eugene Kurtz (1928)
Jean E. Sammet (1928)
his last name is the N in the BNF notation (Backus-Naur form), used in the description of the syntax for most programming languages. He contributed to the creation of the ALGOL 60 programming language
Peter Naur (1928)
is one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence, as well as an inventor of the Logo programming language
Seymour Papert (1928)
is an American cognitive scientist in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), co-founder of MIT’s AI laboratory, and author of several texts on AI and philosophy
Marvin Minsky (1927)
was responsible for the coining of the term “Artificial Intelligence” in his 1955 proposal for the 1956 Dartmouth Conference and invented the Lisp programming language
John McCarthy (1927)
contributed to the Information Processing Language (1956) and two of the earliest AI programs, the Logic Theory Machine (1956) and the General Problem Solver (1957) (with Herbert Simon)
Allen Newell (1927-1992)
Robert Noyce (1927-1990)
is a prominent computer scientist, notable as a pioneer in the development of time-sharing operating systems
Fernando Corbató (1926)
Ken Olsen (1926)
was one of the developers of packet-switched networks along with Donald Davies and Leonard Kleinrock
Paul Baran (1926)
John Diebold (1926-2005)
is acknowledged as the co-inventor of object-oriented programming and the programming language Simula with Ole-Johan Dahl in the 1960s
Kristen Nygaard (1926-2002)
is best known for co-developing the BASIC programming language in 1964 with Thomas Eugene Kurtz
John George Kemeny (1926-1992)
is best known for inventing the computer mouse (in a joint effort with Bill English); as a pioneer of human-computer interaction whose team developed hypertext, networked computers, and precursors to GUIs
Douglas Engelbart (1925)
is considered by many to be “the father of RISC architecture”
John Cocke (1925-2002)
is best known for his legendary Huffman code, a compression scheme for lossless variable length encoding
David A. Huffman (1925-1999)
was a U.S. electrical engineer and supercomputer architect who founded the company Cray Research
Seymour Cray (1925-1996)
together with Klaus Samelson invented the stack machine, a fundamental device for both theory and practice of programming
Friedrich Ludwig Bauer (1924)
Donald D. Chamberlin (1924)
developed the IDS (Integrated Data Store), one of the first database management systems
Charles Bachman (1924)
led the team that invented the first widely used high-level programming language (FORTRAN) and was the inventor of the Backus-Naur form (BNF), the almost universally used notation to define formal language syntax
John Backus (1924-2007)
invented the integrated circuit in 1958 while working at Texas Instruments, as well as the handheld calculator and thermal printer
Jack Kilby (1923-2005)
made seminal contributions to the theory of relational databases
Edgar F. Codd (1923-2003)
Gene Amdahl (1922)
was awarded the first Turing Award in 1966, according to the citation, for his influence in the area of advanced programming techniques and compiler construction. This is a reference to the work he had done as a member of the team that developed the ALGOL programming language
Alan Perlis (1922-1990)
developed the APL programming language, was honored with the Turing Award in 1979 for his contributions to mathematical notation and programming language theory
Kenneth E. Iverson (1920-2004)
Bob Bemer (1920- 2004)
John Presper Eckert (1919-1995)
discovered many significant algorithms
James H. Wilkinson (1919-1986)
Herb Grosch (1918)
Jay Forrester (1918)
helped John Vincent Atanasoff create the first digital electronic computer in 1939, the Atanasoff-Berry Computer
Clifford Berry (1918-1963)
was one of the programmers for the ENIAC computer
Betty Holberton (1917-2001)
has been called “the father of information theory”, and was the founder of practical digital circuit design theory
Claude Shannon (1916-2001)
was among the founding fathers of several of today’s most important scientific domains, including Artificial Intelligence, information processing, decision-making, problem-solving, attention economics, organization theory, complex systems, and computer simulation of scientific discovery
Herbert Simon (1916-2001)
Christopher Strachey (1916-1975)
John Tukey (1915-2000)
was an American mathematician whose work had many implications for computer science and telecommunications. His contributions include the Hamming code (which makes use of a Hamming matrix), the Hamming window (described in section 5.8 of his book Digital Filters), Hamming numbers, Sphere-packing (or hamming bound) and the Hamming distance
Richard Hamming (1915-1998)
J. C. R. Licklider (1915-1990)
developed the concept of microprogramming from the realisation that the Central Processing Unit of a computer could be controlled by a miniature, highly specialised computer program in high-speed ROM
Maurice Vincent Wilkes (1913)
William Hewlett (1913-2001)
William Hewlett founded HP, the company that grew into the world’s largest producer of electronic testing and measurement devices
David Packard (1912-1996)
is often considered to be the father of modern computer science. Turing provided an influential formalisation of the concept of the algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, formulating the now widely accepted “Turing” version of the Church–Turing thesis, namely that any practical computing model has either the equivalent or a subset of the capabilities of a Turing machine. With the Turing test, he made a significant and characteristically provocative contribution to the debate regarding artificial intelligence
Alan Turing (1912-1954)
created the first functional program-controlled machine, the Z3, in 1941
Konrad Zuse (1910-1995)
co-invented the transistor
William Shockley (1910-1989)
was best known for founding the branch of mathematical logic known as recursion theory together with Alonzo Church, Kurt Gödel, Alan Turing, Emil Post, and others; and for inventing regular expressions. By providing methods of determining which problems are solvable, Kleene’s work led to the study of which functions are computable
Stephen Cole Kleene (1909-1994)
invented the transistor, along with William Bradford Shockley and Walter Brattain
John Bardeen (1908-1991)
was an Austrian inventor born in Vienna. Among his innovations were printing techniques which later became important in electrical and electronics manufacturing
Paul Eisler (1907-1995)
John Mauchly (1907-1980)
is best known for his two incompleteness theorems
Kurt Gödel (1906-1978)
was one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I calculator, and she developed the first compiler for a computer programming language
Grace Hopper (1906-1992)
Tommy Flowers (1905-1998)
created lambda calculus, formulated Church’s thesis and Church’s theorem
Alonzo Church (1905-1995)
was a Bell Labs researcher known for his 1930s and 1940s work on the realization of Boolean logic digital circuits using electromechanical relays as the switching element
George Stibitz (1904-1995)
was the inventor of the first automatic electronic digital computer, a special-purpose machine that has come to be called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer
John Vincent Atanasoff (1903-1995)
was widely influential within cybernetics, systems theory and complex systems
William Ross Ashby (1903-1972)
described a computer architecture in which data and program memory are mapped into the same address space. This architecture became the de facto standard
John von Neumann (1903-1957)
was a physicist at Bell Labs who, along with John Bardeen and William Shockley invented the transistor
Walter Houser Brattain (1902-1987)
was a pioneer in computing, being the primary engineer behind IBM’s Harvard Mark I computer
Howard Aiken (1900-1973)
developed, independently of Alan Turing’s Turing machine model, an essentially equivalent model
Emil Leon Post (1897-1954)
is perhaps best known as the founder of cybernetics, a field that formalizes the notion of feedback and has implications for engineering, systems control, computer science, biology, philosophy, and the organization of society
Norbert Wiener (1894-1964)
introduced the concept of what he called the memex in the 1930s, a microfilm-based “device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility”
Vannevar Bush (1890-1974)
was the president of International Business Machines (IBM), who oversaw that company’s growth into an international force from the 1920s to the 1950s
Thomas J. Watson (1874-1956)
designed three calculating machines: the Direct Multiplier, the Calculating Board and the Arithmographe
Léon Bollée (1870-1913)
was an American statistician who developed a mechanical tabulator based on punched cards to rapidly tabulate statistics from millions of pieces of data
Herman Hollerith (1860-1929)
is the inventor of the Odhner Arithmometer, a mechanical calculator
Theophil Wilgodt Odhner (1845-1903)
constructed a logical machine, called the Logic Piano
William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)
designed the QWERTY keyboard
Christopher Latham Sholes (1819-1890)
is the inventor of Boolean algebra, the basis of all modern computer arithmetic
George Boole (1815-1864)
is mainly known for having written a description of Charles Babbage’s early mechanical general-purpose computer, the analytical engine
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)
invented the electromechanical relay in 1835
Joseph Henry (1797-1878)
designed the first programmable computer
Charles Babbage (1791-1871)
designed and patented the Arithmometer, in 1820. It was the first successful mechanical calculator that could add, subtract, and multiply
Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar (1785-1870)
Joseph Fourier (1768-1830)
improved on the original punched card design of Jacques de Vaucanson’s loom of 1745, to invent the Jacquard loom mechanism in 1804-1805
Joseph Marie Jacquard (1752-1834)
designed the first functional mechanical calculator
Mathieus Hahn (1739-1790)
discovered the binary number system, anticipated Lagrangian interpolation, algorithmic information theory, and invented the calculus ratiocinator as well as a machine that could execute all four arithmetical operations, the Stepped Reckoner
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)
constructed a mechanical calculator capable of addition and subtraction, called the Pascaline
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
built the first automatic calculator in 1623
Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1635)
is credited as the inventor of the slide rule
William Oughtred (1575-1660)
invented Napier’s bones, a multiplication aid
John Napier (1550-1617)
the word algebra is derived from al-jabr, one of the two operations used to solve quadratic equations, as described in his book. The word algorithm stems from algoritmi, the Latinization of his name
Al-Khawarizmi (780-850)
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Publicação Criada em: setembro 17, 2013
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